Tuesday, January 14, 2014

RAM Manager Pro 6.0.3

RAM Manager Pro6.0.3 APK Download Android application < / b>. This application optimizes RAM all Android devices and gives you better performance. We tested and we're still testing the best RAM balance which makes your system as quickly as possible . This application improves perfomance of your phone in all directions.

RAM Manager Pro 6.0.3
  • Download App
  • Install APK

    Root is required!
    Switching between applications is very fast, your system will run smoother than ever. You can fully use your multitasking and you still have as much memory as you need.
    • Balance - Option which makes your RAM to the best optimization, this option is for everyday using . Use this option when you want to have fast phone without delays.
    • Balance ( More free memory ) - This option is basically the same as the balance , but this option should be advantageous for users who have more RAM than 512 MB ​​. This option gives you more free memory , but somewhat reduced multitasking.
    • Balance (more multitasking ) - This option is basically the same as the balance , but this option should be advantageous for users who have less RAM than 512 MB ​​. This option gives you more multitasking, but rather reduces the free memory.
    • Hard Gaming - Option which stabilizes your RAM for playing the hardest games. Use this option for games that drag on your phone. Your games will run smoothly without delays.
    • hard Gaming ( less aggressive ) - This option is similar to the game disc , but should be better for devices with 512 MB RAM lesser .
    • hard Multitasking - Option for users who work really hard on their phones. You can have a lot of running applications and switch quickly between them without delay.
    • Default (Samsung) - Default settings by Samsung , these settings are also used by LG , HTC, etc.
    • Default ( Nexus S ) - . default settings that are used by all Google
    • default devices - . This option returns your RAM to your default settings , which you had before you install this application
    • lock launcher in memory VM Heap size
    • Info memory meter memory
    • free
    • load limit ( only works on some kernels )
    • Widget
    • option selected is automatically set to every reboot.
    • You can easily switch between all options without rebooting .
      This application is the best solution for those who have problems with free memory, with multitasking , with slow exchange between applications or with slow performance of your device. I recommend using this application to everyone who wants to have a better phone , because this application increase speed of your phone and other parameters which depend on RAM.
      What's in this version: ( Updated: January 7, 2014 )
RAM Manager Pro 6.0.3

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