Wednesday, December 4, 2013

EVA - ( Siri for Android ) 3.20

EVA - (bat Siri ) Virtual Assistant 3.20 APK Download Android application < / b>. Who should use EVA ? If you are looking for an application that allows hands-free operation of your phone to open applications , read and reply to text messages and e -mail , calendar events planning and many more functions that you can perform using messages only your voice while EVA is right for you .

EVA - ( Siri for Android ) 3.20
  • Download App
  • Install APK

    If you are looking for an electronic friend to chat with then please go with one of Siri clones . On the other hand, if you want a real virtual assistant that has useful functions that will make your life easier then please give EVA a try.
    EVA has all the functions you'd expect your assistant to perform plus some that you probably never new was possible. Here is a list of some of the features you will not find in most of the competition:
    • Home Automation with INSTEON . Turn off lights and appliances, open the garage door and a whole lot more , all with voice commands or scheduled or based on your location.
    • Location based reminders . Remember to do something based on your location.
    • actions based
    • Location . Perform any function that EVA can based on your current location. Have EVA automatically text your wife when you leave the office .
    • actions based
    • time . Perform any function that EVA can do on a day and time together
    • car fashion including wake up sentence
    • customized voice shortcuts to your phone applications . Give your application the name you want and open them using that name.
    • Bookmarks
    • voice to your favorite Web sites. Give your bookmarks any name you want and open them using that name.
    • Enable simply by shaking your phone
    • Works with all Bluetooth Headsets
      What's in this version phones ( Updated : December 1, 2013 )
EVA - ( Siri for Android ) 3.20

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